I am a son and a husband therefore I double down on my ABSOLUTE certainty that women possess a special voice in this country and their ability to speak up! In nature, we know better than to mess with any “momma bear;” lest you are met with a vicious ferocity. As the old adage goes, “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”. I need not, better yet, DARE NOT tell you the strength of a woman; I come in peace!
And I call upon the women of this nation now to remember, recognize, and embrace your strength to advocate for our great nation. Your role is vital, and should never be swept under the rug.

My mother lived out her message and continually provided myself and my brother a strong example of patriotism, respect for our fellow man and love of Country. She did this through unwavering devotion, deed, and experience. It takes more women like her to shape and guide our American families and show the next generations how to navigate this incessant barrage of darkness attempting to our nation today.
The light of freedom is fragile and is forever under attack by the harsh winds of socialism, fascism, and communism. The blustering chill of that awful transgression to liberty are ever encroaching in a way we’ve yet to experience in these United States. We have encountered, held off, and are now pushed by gale force winds towards a great precipice.
This critical situation cannot be ignored by any red-blooded American Patriot, or anyone else who enjoys the comforts of this nation.
A radically anti-American ideology has willfully and wrongfully mislabeled people like US as “radicals” to ensure we think ourselves powerless, and to stop us from restoring to the culture the benefits of a free market and of limited government as the necessary foundation of a successful and equitable America.
We have gone along to get a long and have unwittingly underestimated the capacity for ugliness from our fellow man. We remained asleep at the wheel and pretended as if these radical anti-America ideas had not snuck into our soil and stained the very fabric of our Democracy. These seeds of doubt and mistrust have undeniably now taken root in our neighborhoods, schools, and our Justice System.
Mothers, Daughters, Sisters, Wives, Ladies, I call upon your unique voices and skills to share your light and sense of duty to our nation. Do not allow one more anti-American seed of destruction take root within your countrymen. Do not start tomorrow, I implore you to stop this very moment and make the commitment to yourself to live this as a daily mission. Make a phone call of support or concern to your senator, attend a city council meeting, pick up the bible and share your love of the creator with your children before bed tonight. You are necessary to raise the next leaders of our home, we rely upon you to nurture this great legacy.

For some of our fellow Mothers and daughters have given the ultimate sacrifice in service to this nation, and their sacrifice will live on forever in our souls.
The sanctity of our vote is the atom of our nation, and as Americans we reserve the right and duty to question the narrative of our leaders any time we suspect some truth is being withheld from we, the people. The founding fathers understood the necessity of this, and we rely upon the women of our American nation to raise another generation of Proud Americans to ensure our slain Patriots sacrifice and the grief of those mothers is never in vain. Every American deserves to know our institutions will not act as judge, jury, and executioner for their own personal gain.
It is the greatest honor to raise such a fighter, and it is the deepest pain to lose them, it is up to the rest of us to rebuild our nation to be worthy of their sacrifice.