Explosions In The Courtroom As DOJ’s Star Witness And Turncoat’s Testimony COLLAPSES ! Proud Boy Prosecutors Clamor To MUZZLE The Defense After Court Disaster !

An Excerpt from the Pundit

*Author Ashton Richie contributed to this article.

Last week at the Proud Boy Trial, a former Proud Boy and rat took the stand as a government witness against the group of American patriots.

The Department of Injustice’s star turncoat found himself in the crosshair of his worst enemy: His very own testimony.

When cross-examination of Bertino began, it only took Nick Smith (Defense Attorney for Ethan Nordean) a few questions and one clip of Jeremy’s own testimony, played over and over again to have Mr. Bertino physically scrambling in his seat to avoid the weight of his own prior testimony to the FBI, one that painted the TRUTH of the Proud Boys organization, instead of the two-day smear campaign Jeremy had laid out to save himself from his own illegal firearms felony charges (unrelated to January 6th).

The five political prisoner defendants leaned forward in their seats and breathed a physical sigh of relief to watch “Un-Noble Beard” Jeremy contradict himself and unknowingly admit to his lies and spin jobs.

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