Top 5 Lies And Bombshells From The Wrap Up Of Ex Proud Boy Jeremy Bertino’s Perjury
To the dismay of humorless lead government shill Roger Parloff, the Proud Boys jury and what was left of the DOJ’s credibility was shattered on Tuesday morning of this week, when Steven Metcalf, counsel for Dominic Pezzola played a voice message their star ‘cooperator’ Mr. Bertino sent to Defendant Pezzola’s WIFE.
Here are the top Five Lies, beginning with that voicemail that expose Bertino’s true motivations for taking the stand last week.
Lie #1: Jeremy Bertino was had implicit “knowledge” of the Proud Boys ‘plan’ to oppose the US Government by force.
Jeremy Bertino was not only NEVER informed of ANY plan, objective, or details regarding anything to do with the ‘Boots on the Ground’ rally plans for Proud Boys on January 6th.
And it gets worse…

Dominic Pezzola is a loving husband father and a veteran. He grew up in a diverse community raised by 1st and 2nd generation immigrants. He has a wife and 2 daughters he hasn’t been able to see in 2 years. They miss him dearly, their family is not complete without him.
Lie # 1 – Jeremy Bertino Was Some Kind Of Witness To Sedition
REALITY: Jeremy Bertino’s story changed every time he told it depending on who was asking, admitted lying to the FBI, changed his story on the stand, and to the January 6th committee. Jeremy was offered almost $13,000 to relocate and minimal to no time in jail despite heavy felony gun charges totaling up to 10 years prison time. Bertino’s incentives to lie for the government are vast and various.
CROSS with STEVEN METCALF (Defense Attorney for Pezzola):
METCALF: Mr. Bertino, is that your voice?
BERTINO: Sounds like it.
METCALF: Okay. I’d ask that we fast-forward to 40 seconds into this video, please.
(The voice memo plays for the court. An awkward silence and uncomfortable shifting in seats sets in as the memo ends.)

TRANSCRIPT: “But I have no doubts, man. He’s a man of honor – in all honesty, it sucks. Uh… (sigh) that he’s in this situation, ya know? Uh, I hope you know, I’m sure he’s told you that, you know that was NOT, none of what happened there that day was not any part of our plan or anything that like that, that was completely organic and spontaneous and… uhh, you know, so I don’t – I don’t want you to be upset with the club thinking that we ordered him to do it or something, cause we definitely did not. Uh, you know- and it sucks, that’s its being blown out of proportion the way it is. I mean… it’s a [expletive] window, that’s all it was. A [expletive] window. But they’re gonna make it more than what it is for their purposes, so. But either way, just let him know I love him. I still stand behind him. You know? Still Proud of Your Boy, and I wish the best and hope the best for him. We’ll continue to pray for him as an organization, as a group, and, that’s the best we can do right now.”

Lie #2: Tarrio ‘Witheld’ His Plans From The Club And Changed The Plan Last Minute
REALITY: Starting with the fact that Tarrio was not PRESENT on J6 due to his arrest for burning a political banner. He served FIVE MONTHS for property damages, instead of a standard and appropriate probation and fine, Tarrio held more than one DOCUMENTED voice call with then-leadership sent out to wide swathes of the club, to ensure SAFETY of the entire group.

Lie# 3 Tarrio ‘Created’ The 1776 Documents Used To Attempt A Coup Against The Not-Yet-Elected President Biden On January 6TH.
REALITY: Crypto Queen and Clout-Chaser Extraordinaire, Erika Flores, AKA ‘Eryka Gemma’ took Samuel Armes’s original work and beefed it up to her own agenda, as revealed in her private text messages. The FBI then used that faulty information to bury the Proud Boys via Enrique Tarrio.

The Documents were either DIRECTLY authored by Samuel Armes, NOT Tarrio, to ‘War Game’ a sit-in protest of the contested elections, OR they were more likely taken and restructured by Erika Flores, Aka. Eryka Gemma, the ‘Crypto-Queen of Miami’ and ONLY by Ms. Flores, in attempt to capture Mr. Tarrio’s attention… or secure a criminal conviction for the government.
She disappeared and plead the 5th when her decisions came back to haunt her.
The Government then explicitly LIED to Mr. Bertino to utilize Flores’ handiwork to extract Bertino’s cooperation, with a hacked up frame-job of a melodramatic plan the former chairman never opened, distributed, or used.
During his cross, Nayib Hassan, counsel for Tarrio took up this issue with the disgraced former member:
Mr. HASSAN. During that meeting, (Bertino’s 1st FBI interview) they gave you the ability to look at documents. Correct?
BERTINO: A. I believe so. Yeah.
I don’t believe it’s ever actually been shown to me in court. No.
I did get a brief look at it. Yes.
I believe they did say something to that the effect, that he created it. Yes.
That sounds familiar.
I believe so.
Again, I don’t know if he created it, so I can’t say that they misled me.
I don’t know that for sure.
As Ms. Flores chose to plead the fifth for her deposition to the January 6th committee, the reality of her motivations, and the disinterest of Merrick Garland’s Gestapo in investigating her any further, the truth will likely never be known. But one thing is for certain, of the top 5 unraveled lies under Mr. Bertino, this plotline may have the most teeth.
However, in HIS testimony to the January 6th Committee, Samuel Armes seemed to have outlined a quiet affection for Ms. Flores, and mistrust of Tarrio. His mistrust would be proven to be directed at the wrong party.

MR ARMES: So there was a time — so, you know, because Erika and I were business partners, anytime she was in the Miami area and I was coming down to Miami, I’d always make an effort to see her if there was anything that we had to discuss about business. So I believe one time she had an Airbnb in, I believe it was West Palm Beach, to the best of my recollection. And when I arrived at that Airbnb, she was there with Enrique, which obviously made me incredibly uncomfortable. But I stuck around to talk to her for a bit. And Enrique was trying to get me to help him figure out a way to make money off of selling T-shirts online, which was a pretty weird request. And they wanted me to, like, brainstorm with them on, like, T-shirt ideas and setting up some kind of warehouse in Miami to help underserved kids. So that and seeing him at a restaurant with Erika were the only two times I’ve met him in person. Yeah. And had zero interest, you know, ever even meeting him. Those weren’t even planned meetings. He just happened to be there with Erika, who I was there to meet with.
But the question of ‘who wrote the documents is found in their direct messages to one another. (Hint: It’s not Tarrio.)

In the exhibits offered by the government in trial, many of Erika Flores’ messages seemed to intentionally try to implicate Tarrio into some bizarre style of protest, and Flores explicitly refers to the plans as HERS, showing ownership… NOT as a joint effort. “The benefactor of my brilliance”, and “If you don’t like MY plan,” Flores claims ownership and mind mastery of the sit-in multiple times.
And yet, despite all her hard work… Tarrio never even opened, distributed, or utilized her handiwork.
BERTINO. I don’t know that for sure.
I don’t know. Not that I remember.
I don’t recall that. But I’d have to look at the transcripts to be able to verify one way or another.
The March 8, 2022 interview in question reads as follows:
(Bertino is handed a copy of the ‘1776 Returns’ documents authored by Armes/Flores to review, as part of the FBI/DOJ interview. Agent Miller will be taking the stand this coming week, along with the same prosecutor, Erik Kenerson, who conducted this interview with Bertino to secure his cooperation.)
BERTINO: Enrique created this? I thought he was sent this from somebody else.
Erik Kenerson and Agent Miller knew this to be a lie but didn’t bother correcting the record.
They needed a statistic in their conviction rates, after all.

In the exhibits offered by the government in trial, many of Erika Flores’ messages seemed to intentionally try to implicate Tarrio into some bizarre style of protest, and Flores explicitly refers to the plans as HERS, showing ownership… NOT as a joint effort. “The benefactor of my brilliance”, and “If you don’t like MY plan,” Flores claims ownership and mind mastery of the sit-in multiple times.
And yet, despite all her hard work… Tarrio never even opened, distributed, or utilized her handiwork.
LIE# 4 The Culture of the Proud Boys was Violence, Force, etc. and included a mentality of protesting ‘By Any Means necessary.’
REALITY: Proud Boys cultivated a culture of SELF DEFENSE, and asked MOSD Members to NOT get intoxicated
I do remember that.
Because I understood that that was the closest — that was the closest thing on the books to seditious conspiracy, which was treason.
Remember, that information is something that was often suggested both in the published transcript excerpts from Kenerson’s March 8th, 2022 interview with his own witness, AND on the stand during trial. This conclusion was not one that Bertino arrived at without help.
It does.
This is a slight of hand, Bertino was aware at the time that he WOULD be charged with those crimes upon walking away from the cooperation. Potentially immediately upon leaving the building.
(Mind you, Bertino also testified that NONE of the defendants gave him any details of a plan, the ‘goal’ of the plan is something Bertino came up with on his own)
There’s a number of reasons, but I was trying to protect myself and protect everyone else from getting into any trouble. I mean, this is probably the number one reason why I wasn’t honest; I was trying to shape things so that we looked innocent. You know, I believed the narrative that we were all telling ourselves about it, but it wasn’t true.
Well, that it was all spontaneous and there was — you know, I mean, that’s what — that’s what we were putting out to everyone. That’s what everyone was putting out. But, you know, looking back at it, I know that’s not true. So that’s how I know I lied.

Bertino often found himself at the ‘front lines’ where HE wanted to be, not because he was appointed. He took it upon himself to create the infamous ‘Boots on the Ground’ chat the government is now using to incriminate every minor comment made by any American added to the chat that Jeremy, NOT Tarrio… created. The government intentionally avoids this fact as much as possible.
LIE# 5 The Culture of Violence lead to the Conflicts between Proud Boys and Antifa. Proud Boys went ‘looking’ for trouble.
THE REALITY: Jeremy Bertino’s regular use of steroids, and recreational use of Cocaine lead HIM to being one of the most violent and rabble rouser members. Bertino regularly pushed to make trouble despite calls from leadership for him to stop or control himself.
Steven Metcalf touched on this in his cross.
I was, before I got stabbed.
Only after I was stabbed.
I didn’t finish it. I was in the middle of it.
I was taking testosterone. Yes.
I was.
I did once. Yes.
Yes, I did.
I wouldn’t say frequently. I did it once in a while.
I don’t think the two ever overlapped. No.
No. I don’t think that was accurate. I only did testosterone for a few months before the stabbing. And again, it was very infrequent that I ever used cocaine.
In other words, Bertino’s rabble rousing was factually due to Bertino and Bertino alone, not due to the Proud Boys.

And often, the Boys worked to curtail Bertino’s tendency to run off halfcocked and behave less-than intelligently, or respectfully.
In fact, Bertino is a twice divorced, military deserter, prior felon, who self-described as feeling like an outcast, who found a home for himself within a diverse male drinking club, that focused on the proximity of shared values and brotherhood to make better men, and for a little over $10,000, he tried to saddle his friends with up to and even over 20 years in prison.
Bertino let the court know that he’s in the process of removing his “3rd Degree” Proud Boy tattoos.
Regrettably, The Proud Boys could not be reached for comment of concern or even feigned mild interest.
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