You can download a copy of this resolution at the bottom of this post. Please introduce to your local republican party and send out to others to spread it across the nation. 

Whereas the Federal Government has unfairly detained or incarcerated Americans who participated in the January 6th, 2021, rally in Washington DC and events that followed at the United States Capitol.

Whereas independent news organizations reported over one million and as many as two million individuals gathered to support President Trump & Free Fair Elections.

Whereas there are clear reports footage and of the Capitol Police inviting rally attendees to enter the Capitol Grounds & Building.

Whereas the Republican Party does not condone acts of violence, destruction, or vandalism.

Whereas __________ citizens have Rights granted to them by the US Constitution AND The State Constitution that must be followed.

Whereas ________ Republican party always supports Due Process rights and laws of the United States of America for all citizens.

Whereas many of our elected representatives have confirmed Americans are being held without Due Process additionally the obvious bias in the prosecution or pretrial detainment of January 6th defendants.

Therefore, let it be resolved that the ____________ County Republican Party asks our elected representatives including:

  1. Senator –  ____________________________________________________________
  2. Senator – _____________________________________________________________
  3. Governor – ___________________________________________________________
  4. Attorney General – __________________________________________________

to ensure American Citizens are receiving Due Process as required by the United States & State Constitution to include the correct process of arrest to be affected by a County Sheriff and the right to see a State Magistrate before being removed to any Federal Jurisdiction.

Signed: _________________________________

Resolution Date: ______________________

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